Advanced Cable Tester v2


Part Number: TP800210

Availability: In-Stock

The Total Phase Advanced Cable Tester v2 is the quickest and most convenient way to comprehensively test USB, HDMI, and DisplayPort cables. Combining blazing fast performance with a low cost per test and a rugged design, the Advanced Cable Tester v2 enables rapid spot-checking of cables with easy-to-understand reports for 100% test coverage in lab and production environments at a fraction of the price, time, and labor versus other solutions.

Whether your application is full quality control in a factory or statistical process control in a laboratory, the Advanced Cable Tester v2 will provide high precision and accuracy with thorough test coverage, without expensive scopes, custom fixtures, or highly trained personnel, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Included Modules
Line Cord
Price as configured: $15,000
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Key Features

Test Coverage
Continuity/Shorts/Opens testing with dynamic visualization of test results
DCR measurement for all wires except high-speed data lines
DCR measurement for all power and ground pins for USB Type-C (SBU and CC lines are also tested for DCR if present)
USB Type-C E-Marker verification for USB Type-C full-featured cables
Signal integrity testing of data lines at up to 12.8 Gbps per channel accompanied by eye diagrams with mask
Solution Features
Compatible with most USB, HDMI, and DisplayPort cables
Fast testing optimized for production requirements
Real-time results
Pass/fail indication displayed on LCD color screen for stand-alone operation — no PC required
Detailed measurements and eye diagrams available via web interface
Ideal for laboratory and manufacturing applications
Local storage of up to 1,000,000 test results
Personalizable, printable test reports
Exportable test data
Connect via USB or Ethernet

Supported Cables

The Advanced Cable Tester v2 supports testing a large variety of cables via a system of easily interchangeable modules. Each module is rated for 5,000 tests, guaranteeing cost effective and accurate cable test results.
USB Type-C to USB Type-C (Type-C 1.3, USB 3.2 and earlier specifications). Full-Featured and USB 2.0 Type-C cables are supported
USB Type-C to USB Standard-A (USB 3.2 and earlier version specifications)
USB Type-C to USB Micro-B (USB 3.2 and earlier version specifications)
USB Type-C to USB Standard-B (USB 3.2 and earlier version specifications)

Tech Specs

Case Study - Advanced Cable Tester v2 - Crestron Electronics
Learn how Crestron incorporated the Beagle USB 5000 v2 analyzer into their quality control processes.
Testing USB and Video Cables with the Advanced Cable Tester v2
Comprehensively test pin continuity, DC resistance, E-Marker, and signal integrity.
Testing HDMI Cables Using the Advanced Cable Tester v2
Learn how to easily determine a passing or failing HDMI cable using the Advanced Cable Tester v2.

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