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Product Update Reminder: New GUI Updates
We wanted to send a reminder to our customers that we've updated our Total Phase GUIs based on the latest API releases, which added support for Linux and Windows ARM 64-bit systems, macOS 14 Sonoma, and includes performance and stability improvements.
Please download the latest version by following the links above.
New Blog: How Do I Keep SS Low Between Extended Data Transactions with SPI Devices?
Many of our blogs feature answers to real-life customer questions. In our latest blog in this category, a customer has a question on why the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter doesn't keep the Slave Select (SS) line low during 24-bit transactions, causing SS toggling between bytes.
Review suggestions provided by the support team to hold the SS line low during multiple transfers, including in GPIO mode. Alternatively, the Promira Serial Platform can be used for faster and easier 24-bit transactions without SS toggling as it offers options to configure word lengths using the API, eliminating inter-byte delays.