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How Do I Set Up an Android so the Beagle USB 480 Protocol Analyzer Will Recognize it as the Host?
Rena Ayeras

Question from the Customer:

How do I use the Beagle USB 480 Protocol Analyzer with an Android device?

With my current settings, the Data Center Software is not recognizing my tablet as a host. I'm using an OTG cable to let the tablet know it is a host. Communication with my USB device also works. The tablet keeps showing “host disconnected” in the Data Center Software.  My tablet is not in accessory mode; my intention is the tablet is the USB Host that enumerates the device.

Here is what my setup looks like:


The XORO tablet is operating in USB host mode with the help of the OTG cable adapter.

What do I need to change so I can analyze the USB transfers from the Android tablet/smartphone to a USB device?

Response from Technical Support:

Thank you for your question.  The Beagle USB 480 analyzer is capable of capturing USB traffic between an Android-powered device in accessory mode and a USB device.

How the Beagle USB 480 Protocol Analyzer Recognizes a Host Device

The Beagle USB 480 analyzer needs to see 5V on VBUS in order to recognize that a host is present. If the target system cannot provide 5V to the Beagle USB 480 analyzer, then you can override VBUS in the Data Center Software. Because the tablet is not recognized, we assume this override is needed to make your setup work. To enable the Data Center Software to capture traffic without the 5V VBUS, enter the following command in the Command Line window:

device({'usb.vbus_override': True})


Example of a Working Setup and Verifying the Override

Here is a picture of the setup we used with an Android device as the host. In this case, a memory stick is used as a test device. We also provide a snapshot of the results, and where to see the verification of the setup.

Example of Setup to Test Host Data from Test Setup

We hope this answers your questions. Additional resources that you may find helpful include the following

More questions? You can send us email at sales@totalphase.com. You can also contact us and request a demo that applies to your application, as well as ask questions about the Beagle protocol analyzers and other Total Phase products.

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