Software API
- Sending I2C Messages Between Two Aardvark adapters Using Aardvark LabVIEW
- Sending SPI Messages Between Two Aardvark adapters Using Aardvark LabVIEW
- Using the Aardvark with Python on 64-bit Windows
- All this technical stuff is great, but where can I find some examples if I want to write some code quickly?
- Total Phase's device DLL philosophy is great, but where should I put the DLL/SO to make sure it is always found by my application?
- How To Use Total Phase Products With MATLAB
- Writing an MFC application using the C API
- How to Compile and Run the Aardvark Adapter C Examples
- Using the C API in Visual C++ .NET
- I am trying to write my application and want to easily debug my Aardvark device<->PC communication. How do I do this?
- Using the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter GPIO Feature to Support Interrupts
- I am trying to write an MFC application, but am unable to get the .c and .h files to compile in my project.
- I am trying to write an MFC application, but get a linker error when I add the Total Phase .c and .h API files to my project.
- Why do calls to aa_i2c_slave_read, aa_spi_write, or aa_spi_slave_read produce errors for large transaction lengths?
- I am getting an error code in LabVIEW but I can not find this error in the documentation.
- The Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter handle is still in use after I run my VI.
- I received a status code (return value less than 0) from a device's API function. What does it mean?
- I enabled the I2C or SPI slave and started receiving messages. Now I try to disable the slave and I receive an status code of AA_COMMUNICATION_ERROR. Why can't I disable the slave? Is this a bug?