Monitoring eSPI Messages Using Promira Platform and Data Center
Monitoring eSPI Messages Using Promira Platform and Data Center


Promira™ Serial Platform with eSPI analysis application is used to monitor eSPI data. There are several ways to do this with Promira platform, including using Data Center or Promira API. This article focuses on how to send eSPI data from Promira platform with SPI Active Level 1-3 applications and Promira API and monitor it with another Promira platform with eSPI Analysis application and Data Center. Although the following describes transferring eSPI data from Promira platform with SPI Active Level 1-3 applications, similar steps can be used for transferring eSPI data from other devices.


In this article Promira platform with SPI Active Level 1-3 applications ("Promira-2", SN #2416-606178) and Promira API I2C/SPI active Python espi_generator example transfer eSPI data at bitrate 66 MHz, and another Promira platform with eSPI Analysis application ("Promira-1", SN# 2416-606091) and Data Center monitor the eSPI bus. The two Promira platforms are connected through 34-34 I2C/SPI/eSPI cable. In this example, one computer is used for both Promira platforms.

Monitoring eSPI Guidelines

    1. Connect the two Promira platforms USB connectors to the PC USB connectors.
    2. Follow the instructions in Section 5.2 - Connectivity of the Promira platform system user manual to configure the Ethernet over USB interface.
    3. Download and unzip the latest version of Data Center. (?)
    4. Download and unzip the latest version of Promira API I2C/SPI active.
    5. Install Python 2.x for Windows 64 bit from the Python website.
      1. These guidelines use the default Python installation location of "C:\Python27".
    6. Verify that the Promira API examples setup is correct.
      1. Be sure to use 64-bit Python when you use the 64-bit version of the the Promira API.
      2. Be sure to have the promira.dll file in same directory as the Python examples as provided in the API package.
    7. Connect Promira-1 I2C/SPI/eSPI connector to Promira-2 I2C/SPI/eSPI connector through 34-34 cable as shown in Figures 4 and 5.
    8. Launch Data Center. (?)
    9. Connect Data Center to Promira-1. (?)
      1. Click Analyzer, and choose Connect to Analyzer.
      2. Select Promira-1.
      3. Click OK to connect to Promira-1.
    10. Configure Data Center (?)
      1. Click Analyzer ➝ Device Settings ➝ eSPI.
      2. Configure Capture Protocol to eSPI. Click OK
      3. Click Analyzer → Run Capture.
    11. Run the original detect Python example as provided in the API package with Promira-2.
      1. Open Command Prompt. (?)
      2. Change to the Promira API I2C/SPI active Python directory by typing: cd C:\...\python
      3. Run the detect example by typing: C:\Python27\python.exe
      4. Verify that the computer detects Promira-2.

      Figure 1: Detect Promira

    12. Transfer eSPI data from Promira-2 with Promira API example espi_generator
      1. Open Command Prompt. (?)
      2. Change to the Promira API I2C/SPI active Python directory ("...\python”).
      3. Configure file to bitrate of 66 MHz by editing the definition of the file function simulator.espi_set_config_08h parameters to "4, io_mode"
      4. Run the espi_generator example by typing: C:/Python27/python.exe 0 set_config_io put_msg. This command transfers eSPI data from Promira-2 (SN #2416-606178, IP in mode 0 at bitrate 66 MHz by executing two commands: set_config_io and put_msg. Modify the basic parameters (as IP) based on your system setup and requirements.

      Figure 2: Transfer eSPI data

    13. Verify that Promira-1 and Data Center monitor the eSPI data correctly.

      Figure 3: Monitor eSPI data

      Figure 4: eSPI System

      Figure 5: Promira Platforms Connections


For additional information, take a look at the Promira platform system user manual, Data Center user manual, and Promira API I2C/SPI active documentation.