Komodo CAN Duo Interface Quick Start Guide
Komodo CAN Duo Interface Quick Start Guide


These getting started guidelines are intended to facilitate the first use of the Komodo CAN Duo interface. The Komodo CAN Duo interface can be used with Komodo GUI or Komodo API to communicate with any standard CAN device. The Komodo interface can also be used with Data Center or Komodo API to monitor any standard CAN device. Use the Komodo interface with Komodo GUI and Data Center, and follow the instructions below to communicate and monitor with a standard CAN device.

All current downloads for the Komodo interface can be found on the product page.

Getting Started Guidelines – Data Center

  1. Download and run the latest version of the Total Phase USB Drivers Installer. {USB Drivers - Linux} {USB Drivers - Windows}
  2. Connect the Komodo interface to the analysis computer via the USB connector.
  3. Download and unzip the latest version of Data Center software; select from Windows, Linux, or Mac. (?)
  4. Launch Data Center. (?)
  5. Connect to the Komodo interface. (?)
    1. Click Analyzer > Connect to Analyzer.
    2. Select the Komodo interface.
    3. Click OK to connect to the Komodo interface.
  6. The Komodo interface is capable of monitoring CAN traffic. Configure Komodo to monitor CAN traffic using Data Center. (?)
    1. Click Analyzer > Device Settings.
    2. Choose CAN in the Capture Protocol option.
    3. Enable Include packets from this device
    4. Enable Monitor Bus A and Configure Bus A Settings.
    5. Optionally enable Make Active Node and Target Power.
    6. Enter a Bitrate based on the parameters of the target system.
    7. Click OK to close the Device Settings.
  7. Connect the Komodo interface to the target device via the DB-9 or terminal block connector port A. (?)
    1. If you have a CAN/I2C Activity Board, you can use this board as an example target system to test the capabilities of the device. For additional information, take a look at the CAN/I2C activity board user manual.
  8. Start the capture. (?)
    1. Click Analyzer > Run Capture.
    2. The Capture Started record will be displayed in the Transaction window along with the data captured from the bus, if there was any.
  9. Stop the capture. (?)
    1. Click Analyzer > Stop Capture.
  10. Save or export the capture.
    1. Click File > Save to save the capture as a TDC file. (?)
    2. Click File > Export to export the capture as a CSV file. (?)


Getting Started Guidelines – Komodo GUI

  1. Download and run the latest version of the Total Phase USB Driver Installer.
  2. Connect the Komodo interface to the analysis computer via the USB connector.
  3. Download and unzip the latest version of Komodo GUI. (?)
  4. Launch Komodo GUI. (?)
  5. Connect to the Komodo interface (?)
    1. Click Analyzer > Connect.
    2. Select the Komodo interface.
    3. Click OK to connect to the Komodo interface.
  6. Connect the Komodo interface to the target device via the DB-9 or terminal block connector port A. (?)
    1. If you have a CAN/I2C Activity Board, you can use this board as an example target system to test the capabilities of the device. For additional information, take a look at the CAN/I2C activity board user manual.
  7. The Komodo interface using the Komodo GUI is capable of communicating with general CAN devices in General CAN mode and CAN devices on the CAN/I2C Activity Board in Activity Board mode. Depending on the system, configure the device accordingly.
    1. Configure General CAN mode. (?)
      1. Click Mode, and choose General CAN.
      2. Configure the Bitrate based on the parameters of the target system.
      3. Enable Active CAN Node.
      4. Configure the CAN ID, DLC, Extended ID, Remote Request, One-Shot, and Message.
      5. Click Analyzer > Run.
      6. Click Send Message to shift out the the message on the CAN bus.
      7. Click Analyzer > Stop.
    2. Configure to Activity Board mode. (?)
      1. Click Mode, and choose Activity Board.
      2. Configure the Bitrate to 125kHz.
      3. Click Analyzer > Run.
      4. Interact with the activity board to see traffic.
      5. Click Analyzer > Stop.
    3. Monitor the transactions in the Transaction Log.
  8. Export the communication.
    1. Click File > Export Log to export the communication as a CSV file.


For additional information, take a look at the Komodo interface user manualKomodo GUI manual and Data Center manual.