eSPI Active Example Files
Part Number: TP208510
These files enable simulation of eSPI mastering for all Promira™ Serial Platform devices with SPI Active applications enabled. Combined with our Promira™ Software API I2C/SPI Active, you will be able to emulate eSPI cycles to test your own eSPI slave design. Performance (I/O compatibility and clock speed supported) will be matched to your licensed SPI Active application level: SPI Active - Level 1 Application, SPI Active - Level 2 Application, SPI Active - Level 3 Application.
Please note this is not a full eSPI Master and will have limitations including an inability to respond to a slave in real time. With these example files you can simulate an eSPI transaction - both command phase and response phase are driven on the data lines depending on the I/O mode selected.
For more details on using the eSPI Active Script, please review this knowledge base article: Monitoring eSPI Messages Using Promira Platform and Data Center™ Software