Beagle USB 480 Power Protocol Analyzer - Ultimate Edition


Part Number: TP323610

Availability: In-Stock

The Beagle™ USB 480 Power Protocol Analyzer – Ultimate Edition enables VBUS current and voltage measurement within our industry-leading Data Center™ Software. This analyzer includes enhanced USB 2.0 advanced triggering, an extra-large hardware buffer, and one-click correlation of voltage and current measurement to protocol-level activity. Engineers can take advantage of our unique real-time data analysis and display to easily debug the functionality of their embedded systems while also optimizing the power profile of their applications.


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Key Features

USB Capture and Analysis
Non-intrusively monitor Low/Full/High-Speed USB 2.0 traffic (up to 480 Mbps)
Capture traces to >25 GB
Real-time capture and display - view USB packets and USB-specific error code values in real time
Two capture modes: real-time and delayed-download
Packet-level timing with 16.67 ns resolution
High-Speed USB chirp detection of K and J chirp patterns
Robust automatic speed detection
Hardware-based packet suppression to reduce captured data amount
Detect suspend/resume events and unexpected signals
Advanced Debugging
Real-time USB class-level decoding with the Data Center Software
Monitor VBUS current and voltage values and correlate values to captured USB data
Advanced state-based triggering with up to 8 independent states and 6 matches per state
Digital I/O for synchronizing external logic - includes 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs
High-performance hardware buffer - 256 MB capacity with large circular buffer

Tech Specs

Signs You Need to Check VBUS for the Root of Your USB Problem
Understanding USB VBUS issues is essential for troubleshooting system failures.
Monitor VBUS Current and Voltage with the Beagle USB 480 Power Protocol Analyzer
Easily monitor current and voltage levels on VBUS as well as USB protocol traffic.
USB Debugging Using a Real-Time USB Bus Monitor
See how to non-intrusively monitor the USB bus in real time in Data Center Software.

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Noemie T.