Customer Support Policy

Total Phase provides product support to the original purchasers of our equipment, including from an authorized Total Phase source (  This web document may overlap our LIMITED WARRANTY.  In the event of a conflict between the LIMITED WARRANTY and this Customer Support Policy, the LIMITED WARRANTY shall prevail.

Products purchased from unauthorized resellers are not eligible for benefits outlined in the Customer Support Policy and the Limited Warranty.  Supported operating systems, local environments, and pre-requisite software, plus other interoperability factors such as specific memories which can be programmed with our tools, etc. are specified within our website.

We are committed to providing solutions to help enable our customers’ embedded system success. Total Phase warrants all equipment is free from defects in material and workmanship, and functions to the specifications outlined on for the standard warranty period (“LIMITED WARRANTY”)*.  Any product found to be out of specification may be repaired, replaced or refunded by Total Phase at our sole discretion.

Additionally, for products within the warranty period, customer questions pertaining to the bring up and standard use of the tools we provide, including the associated appropriate GUI software, is included within the purchase price (“Warranty Based Support”).

Standard Support Services (included for original equipment purchaser)

  • Driver installation for supported operating systems
  • Advice and assistance for use of our tools and/or GUI applications on our standard activity boards
  • Answering questions about specific performance specifications for our tools

Additional Free Services

In addition, for any Total Phase equipment manufactured within the last 3 years, we will provide basic diagnosis via our online support reporting system to ensure the hardware under discussion is functioning within specification.  Please note, we will not be able to diagnose issues related to specific applications or local environment, but rather we will guide the end user to perform specific diagnostic steps using our standard processes (the purchase of Total Phase activity board(s) may be required).  Often we are able to direct users to relevant documentation that address the reported issues without the need for additional assistance.

Available “Fee Paid” Services

Total Phase strives to provide solutions to our customers’ embedded challenges.  Many times we are requested to provide support for devices that do not fall within the warranty period, or which require custom efforts, and we are unable to provide those services at no charge – in such case and with mutual agreement Total Phase will offer our expertise on a “fee paid” basis.

How Does This Work?

Upon receipt of any customer request, our support team will ask for information pertaining to:

  • Request details and problem description
  • Specific hardware/software under discussion
  • Purchase date
  • Purchase source/ authorized reseller
  • End customer application
  • Local environment
  • Device Serial Number


This information is used to make a determination if the request(s) under discussion are eligible for warranty based support.  For “out of warranty” requests for which we possess the ability (time and expertise) to address, we will estimate the time required to fulfill the request and provide a quotation, if possible.

Our customers may elect to have us perform the service, or decline any further action.  By definition all services are of a custom nature; therefore, payment is required in advance before work is initiated, and all services are billed at our standard consulting rates and under our standard consulting terms, as per our consulting agreement. IP rights for all service deliverables remain property of Total Phase, and you get full rights to use the deliverables with our products with no additional license fees.

Fee paid support work is warranted for a period of ninety (90) days for the original scope of work.  Modifications or other changes to the scope may necessitate additional work and corresponding fees, subject to mutual agreement.

Total Phase Standard Warranty Durations

  • 3 months (subject to a limited wear warranty): Advanced Cable Tester Adapters
  • 6 months:  USB Power Delivery Analyzer
  • 1 year:  Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter, Beagle I2C/SPI Protocol Analyzer, Beagle USB 12 Protocol Analyzer, Beagle USB 480 Protocol Analyzer, Beagle USB 480 Power Protocol Analyzer (all versions), Cheetah SPI Host Adapter, Komodo CAN Duo Interface, Komodo CAN Solo Interface, Promira Serial Platform
  • 1 year (subject to a limited wear warranty): Total Phase Advanced Cable Tester
  • 2 years:  Beagle USB 5000 Protocol Analyzers (all versions)