I have a technical question about connecting the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter to a new design that is in development.
We are looking for the ability to detect whether the Aardvark adapter is connected based on the voltage level on pin 10, which is supposed to be a GND connection. AARDVARK_CON_nDETECT, a signal from our controller, will be used for automatically enabling an internal level shifter – the functionally is similar to your Level Shifter Board - when the Aardvark adapter is connected.
The question we have - is it sufficient to only connect pin 2 to GND, and then use pin 10 to detect the Aardvark adapter? Note – on our board, the ground closest to the I2C pins is the actual ground.
Response from Technical Support:Thank you for your question! Based on Aardvark adapter GND pins and the speed of the I2C bus, the design that you described should work.
Your design should work because the two GND pins are common on the Aardvark adapter. To optimize the connection, it is always best to have more grounds tied down as real ground wires. However, as the I2C bitrate is relatively slow, your design should be functional.
There are two options regarding selection, which are available separately in our software applications.
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