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2024-07-31 Jessica Hopkins
In I2C communication, pull-up resistors are essential components to ensure optimal signal integrity for reliable and efficient data exchanges between devices. In this blog, we'll dive into the role pull up resistors play in I2C communication as well as how to determine the best resistor value for your I2C application.
2024-07-24 Rena Ayeras
I am having ongoing challenges with my prototypes. I am looking for the best tools to monitor and analyze bus traffic. In my design, an RTC (real-time clock) gets programmed by a CPU a couple of times roughly every 24 hours to generate an interrupt signal to “wake up” the CPU again after it has been set to sleep. However, there is an ongoing problem: the command packages are delivered in the correct order, but the programmed time to awaken the CPU is incorrect.
2024-07-17 Jessica Hopkins
In Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) communication, the clock signal (SCLK) is crucial for the proper timing and synchronization of data transfer between the master and slave devices. In this blog, we will take a closer look into the clock polarity, phase, the rising/falling edges, as well as the different SPI modes, and how these influence the configuration of the clock signal and how it operates.
2024-07-11 Rena Ayeras
I have a technical question about connecting the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter to a new design that is in development.