2023-03-30Rena Ayeras
I plan to use the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter in I2C mode to communicate with a system. The Aardvark adapter will be the I2C controller. After initializing the target power and I2C pull-ups, I want to make sure that both the SCL and SDA signals go high before initiating a transaction. I need this condition to be able to detect a problem, such as a prior read that was incomplete or a failure of the target system.
2023-03-22Kathleen Chan
After 2 years, Total Phase returned to Embedded World 2023 in Nuremberg, Germany! The show attendance has improved from the last time we had attended in 2020, and we were able to meet many existing Total Phase customers from throughout Europe. Multiple customers stopped by to say hello or to show the tool they are currently using to their colleagues.
2023-03-15Staff Writer
Embedded systems are everywhere, from the cars we drive to the phones in our pockets. But it wasn’t always like this. It was only in the 1960s with the Apollo Guidance Computer that embedded systems first made their mark on history. Let’s take a look at how this groundbreaking technology works and what role it has played in shaping the world we live in today.
2023-03-08Rena Ayeras
With the flexibility of the Promira Serial Platform and available software applications, you can simulate an eSPI master device when needed.
2023-03-01Rena Ayeras
I am working with the Promira Serial Platform as an SPI master in mode 0. Should the MISO signal be sampled on the falling edge of the clock signal, or at the rising edge? Looking at the results with Control Center Serial Software, I see a mismatch between the input and output signals.