I am planning to use the Beagle I2C/SPI Protocol Analyzer to capture SPI data for extended periods. The SPI clock rate is 10 MHz. This will be the first time I’ve used a protocol analyzer. To quickly start this project, I would like to start with the easiest method available.
Embedded technology is everywhere – hidden behind the scenes of the different electronics we use every day. One of the most interesting things I find working in the embedded industry is learning about how people in various trades use technology, and how our tools help them develop the products we use every day — from wearables and consumer electronics to the cars we drive and planes we fly.
Do you have the Beagle™ USB 5000 v2 SuperSpeed Protocol Analyzer and want to make the most of this investment? Do you want to capture the most data records to better analyze the USB devices and systems you are working on?