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2016-12-19 Staff Writer
This holiday season, many people may be planning to gift smart devices such as “smart thermostats”, “smart locks”, “smart bulbs” or intelligent coffee makers to their friends and families. Or you may plan to outfit your home with connected devices and applications. While purchasing smart embedded devices during the holiday season is a good idea, ignoring the security risks that come with such devices can be dangerous.
2016-12-16 Rena
I have a snippet of transaction log from an EEPROM I2C read on the bus. There are some symbols that I do not understand – can you explain them to me?
2016-12-14 Chris
USB is ever-present in consumer electronics, allowing consumers to easily interface one device to another: add external storage to a tablet; connect a smartphone to your laptop to charge the phone and while you’re at it, sync files - transfer videos from your digital camera to your computer for editing.  No training. No configuration. Just plug it in and go.
2016-12-07 Staff Writer
Would you like to add Tim Cook to your LinkedIn network? How about Sundar Pichai, Elon Musk, or Sir Richard Branson? It would be wonderful, of course, but connecting with the big names in the industry might not be as helpful as most people think.
2016-12-05 Staff Writer
Should We Start Taking Our Tech-Life Balance More Seriously?