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2025-01-29 Briana Watson
It is without question that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a driving force in technological innovation, shaping industries and influencing everyday life in ways that were once only thought possible in science fiction. From revolutionizing healthcare diagnostics to powering autonomous vehicles, AI has made the unimaginable a reality. At the heart of this transformation lies a critical component of AI architecture: the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). These powerful processors, once primarily associated with gaming, now serve as the backbone of modern AI, offering unmatched speed, scalability, and efficiency. With their robust design and evolving features, GPUs have bridged the gap between AI’s theoretical potential and its practical, real-world abilities.
2025-01-08 Rena Ayeras
I am working on a system that requires a slave device to have an I2C Interrupt Request output pin (nIRQ). When the I2C slave needs service, it alerts the I2C master by pulling the interrupt request low. I am looking at using the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter as the slave device and have questions about using the host adapter to generate the interrupt request signal.
2024-12-18 Isabel Johnson
USB On-The-Go (OTG) is a specification that allows portable USB devices to be cabled together without a computer. When using the standard USB protocol, one device, most commonly a computer, will always be the host, and the other device will always be the peripheral. With a USB OTG cable, both devices can act as either a host or peripheral, allowing for interaction between two traditionally peripheral devices. Three new communication protocols have been introduced to the USB 2.0 specification with the advent of USB OTG: Attach Detection Protocol (ADP), Session Request Protocol (SRP), and Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP). Role Swap Protocol (RSP) has been introduced to the USB 3.0 specification.
2024-12-11 Rena Ayeras
We are using the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter to program SPI devices. We successfully completed the first two stages of verifying the software. However, we are having issues with the third stage – automating the process. There was no activity, which was verified on an oscilloscope.
2024-11-27 Rena Ayeras
I am using the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter on an I2C device with multiple registers. The address of the device I need to communicate with is 0xA6. On that device, I will be writing to registers 0xC and 0xD with a sequential write in python. The Aardvark Software API has an aa_i2c_write function, but it only takes 4 arguments: handle, device_address, flags, and value. How do I include the register address of the selected device? I tried shifting the device address by 8 bits and using the OR operation on the register address, but that did not work.
2024-11-20 Briana Watson
In various industries, from automotive to aerospace, reliable data transfer is crucial for the development of cutting-edge technology and life-saving systems. The CAN protocol, introduced in the 1980s, quickly became a popular solution for device communication, enabling real-time data exchange in a compact, physical form. The CAN protocol relies on two elements: the CAN controller and CAN transceiver. Together, they help construct an extremely reliable and efficient means for data transfer and communication within larger systems. Working alongside the microcontroller, CAN transceivers and controllers execute several tasks to manage data and transmit messages throughout the system, ensuring it is functioning optimally. Knowing how these components work individually and together is essential when working with and debugging CAN communication.
2024-11-13 Rena Ayeras
I am using a Promira Serial Platform with SPI Active - Level 1 Application and Promira Software API I2C/SPI Active connected to the lab computer via Ethernet connection. I have questions about the queue mechanism - I see it takes about 500uS for the Promira platform to clear a queue, which was confirmed with a logic analyzer.
2024-10-30 Rena Ayeras
We have questions about the test results provided with the Advanced Cable Tester v2 (ACTv2). We tested our USB4 v1/v2 certified cable on the ACTv2, but it failed on the VBUS plug DC resistance as shown below:
2024-10-23 Rena Ayeras
My company purchased Cheetah SPI Host Adapters for testing prototype chips. I have some questions to “jump start” this project.
2024-10-16 Derek Cooper
Total Phase exhibited this past week at the first-ever Embedded World North America conference in Austin, Texas.
2024-10-02 Rena Ayeras
After reviewing the data sheets and the results of our Advanced Cable Tester v2 demo, I have a few follow up questions on the reports.
2024-09-25 Isabel Johnson
Across electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering, robotics engineering emerges as a unique sector that deals with the development of robots and robotic systems. Robotics engineers create and optimize robotics applications through every step of their lifecycle, including designing, building, programming, testing, operating, and maintaining them.
2024-09-18 Rena Ayeras
I will be using the Beagle USB 480 Protocol Analyzer to capture data between an iPhone and a new charger design. I understand there may be power limitations – what is the safest way to connect the Beagle USB 480 analyzer in this setup?
2024-09-04 Rena Ayeras
I am debugging a communication error that involves a serial interface and a USB bus. With the tools I have, I cannot identify the cause for this error, which could be on either or both sides of the serial-USB interface. I need a protocol analyzer to analyze and identify the root cause of this issue.
2024-08-28 Briana Watson
In the decades since the Central Processing Unit, or CPU, has been invented and developed, engineers have made several advancements and have incorporated several important features to include in its architecture, enabling the CPU to process data as efficiently as possible. Over time, two prominent architectures have emerged for introducing instruction sets to the CPU - these are known as RISC and CISC. RISC focuses on simplicity, and employs a smaller set of highly optimized instructions to enhance speed and efficiency. Conversely, CISC embraces complexity, and offers a broad range of instructions capable of executing multifaceted tasks in fewer steps. Understanding the differences, advantages, and disadvantages of RISC and CISC is crucial for engineers and developers when determining the best architecture for their specific needs.
2024-08-21 Rena Ayeras
I am using the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter for developing related SMBus functions, including (ARP). I found some information about using the Aardvark adapter with SMBus protocols, but I could use more details. Is additional information available?
2024-08-07 Rena Ayeras
I am using an Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter that will be connected to the SMBus of a power monitor that is embedded in a circuit board. Here is the planned setup:
2024-07-31 Jessica Hopkins
In I2C communication, pull-up resistors are essential components to ensure optimal signal integrity for reliable and efficient data exchanges between devices. In this blog, we'll dive into the role pull up resistors play in I2C communication as well as how to determine the best resistor value for your I2C application.
2024-07-24 Rena Ayeras
I am having ongoing challenges with my prototypes. I am looking for the best tools to monitor and analyze bus traffic. In my design, an RTC (real-time clock) gets programmed by a CPU a couple of times roughly every 24 hours to generate an interrupt signal to “wake up” the CPU again after it has been set to sleep. However, there is an ongoing problem: the command packages are delivered in the correct order, but the programmed time to awaken the CPU is incorrect.
2024-07-17 Jessica Hopkins
In Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) communication, the clock signal (SCLK) is crucial for the proper timing and synchronization of data transfer between the master and slave devices. In this blog, we will take a closer look into the clock polarity, phase, the rising/falling edges, as well as the different SPI modes, and how these influence the configuration of the clock signal and how it operates.