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ARM TechCon 2015, ARM, CAN Bus, USB Bus and Total Phase

Total Phase exhibits at ARM TechConThere was lots of activity at ARM TechCon 2015, in Santa Clara last week, with over 4,000 attendees, 7 tracks and 6 keynotes. This was Total Phase’s first time exhibiting at this conference and we truly enjoyed the experience.

Many of the new ARM designs support the CAN Bus and the USB Bus. A number of engineers (especially from the automotive industry) stopped by our booth to see how our tools can help with more efficient data transfer across their embedded network. With the Komodo CAN Duo Interface, we were able to show how easy it is to generate CAN traffic, communicate with CAN devices, and analyze CAN traffic from multiple devices at the same time. The Komodo interface is an invaluable tool when designing CAN systems with your ARM processor.

For some time now, ARM processors have supported Full Speed, High Speed, and now Super Speed USB. Total Phase’s family of Beagle USB protocol analyzers includes features for each level of application, making analysis easy and affordable.

In addition to demonstrating the Beagle analyzer and the Komodo interface Karen and I were busy showing off our new Promira Serial Platform with Applications for I2C and SPI, including both Master and Slave functionality. Our Promira platform’s I2C Master supports High-Speed mode I2C up to 3.4 MHz, and our SPI Master supports single, dual and quad modes up to 80 MHz.  Using the Promira with our Control Center, Data Center and Flash Center software, engineers experience the power this tool brings to help with the design and debug processes.

ARM TechCon was a great way to wrap up the year. Thanks to all of you who stopped by the booth. Wishing you all a happy and safe holiday season and looking forward to seeing you in 2016.

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If you have any questions about our Total Phase products, feel free to email us at sales@totalphase.com, or if you already own one of our devices and have a technical question, please submit a request for technical support.