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How Can the Software Tools that I Use with the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter Provide Greater Control for Programming I2C Memory Devices?

Question from the Customer:

I have an Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter and have been successfully using the Control Center Serial Software for programming I2C memory devices. I am wondering if I can use the Aardvark adapter for a heavier workload, such as a scripting - sending multiple pre-defined commands one after the other. Is something along those lines possible with your software?

Response from Technical Support:

Thanks for yours question! You can write/read I2C/SPI data with the Aardvark adapter using Control Center Serial Software, Flash Center Software, and Aardvark Software API. Each software tool provides the ability to customize scripts as needed.

Looking at what you described, there are two options: you can use the batch mode in the Control Center software or the Aardvark Software API.  The batch mode allows you to write an xml script to perform repetitive tasks serially.  If you have a need for more complex actions such as looping or want to integrate a custom GUI, then the Aardvark API Software will work best for you. It provides the most flexibility and control of the options above.

The Aardvark Software API, can be used for creating customized programs to support the requirements of your setups. Example programs are provided with the API, which may be used as is or edited and customized for your specific requirements. The Aardvark API supports multiple operating systems and program languages, as well as synchronous and asynchronous queuing for complex programs.

For more information, please refer to section 5 of the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter User Manual.

Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter Figure 1: Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter

Other software tools that are available for the Aardvark adapter include:

  • The Control Center Serial Software, in addition to full access Aardvark adapter functionality via GUI, supports batch scripting with the Aardvark XML Batch Script Language. The batch instruction commands support I2C master, SPI master, and GPIO modes. However, the batch Instruction commands do not support the I2C or SPI slave modes. For details about batch scripting, please refer to section 5 of the Control Center Serial Software User Manual.
  • The Flash Center Software provides the ability to quickly erase, program, and verify I2C and SPI based EEPROM and flash memory Chips. It has an extensible XML parts library with built-in support for EEPROMs and serial flash chips from major manufacturers. These XML scripts can be modified to work with unreleased prototypes and devices that are not yet supported.

Additional resources that you may find helpful include the following:

We hope this answers your question. If you have other questions about our host adapters or other Total Phase products, feel free to email us at sales@totalphase.com, or if you already own one of our devices and have a technical question, please submit a request for technical support.