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Support Question of the Week: How do I use the Data Center Software with the Komodo CAN Interface to Generate and Capture CAN Bus statistics?

We are using a KomodoTM CAN Duo Interface and Data CenterTM Software.  We need to generate CAN Bus statistics for the following:

  1. Error Rate (either % or per/time)
  2. Packets / Time
  3. Bus Usage % (time packets on bus / time bus free)

Can you provide us information about obtaining this information for CAN bus statistics?

Thanks for your question! Using the Komodo CAN interface with the Data Center Software, there are multiple parameters for analyzing CAN bus statistics.  Detailed information is available in section 5.1  and section 5.4 of the Data Center Software User Manual. Following are examples to obtain the CAN bus statistics data that you are looking for.


Data Center Software can be used to view the timing references and statistical data of CAN devices. Figure 1: Data Center Software View of CAN Data  - Timestamps and Statistics


To view the number of errors and type of errors in the capture to calculate error rate, please do the following:

  1. In the Navigator tab (right side of the viewer), click Bus and then select Statistics. Any errors that occur on the bus will show up in the Statistics tab in the lower right corner as shown in Figure 1 above.

For calculating Packets/Time, you can look at the packet index (a sequential count of the consecutive packets on the bus), which is located in the index column in the transaction log (left side of the view), and the packet time-stamp column is located in the transaction log (next to the index column). Refer to Figure 1 above.

To look at the bus utilization percentage, the time-stamp column can be configured to display Interval Time Stamp. To do so:

  1. Hover on the index and right-click the mouse.
  2. Click Timestamp Reference.
  3. Select Interval Time Stamp.

The time difference  and throughput between two indexes can be viewed. To do so:

  1. Hover in blue on the first index, right click on the mouse, click Timestamp Reference, and choose Set Time Reference, and click on the row from where you would like to begin measurement
  2. Hover in yellow on the second index, and observe the time difference between the two indexes in Delta Time parameter in the left bottom corner of the Data Center window.  The average throughput of the bus between the two selected indices is also displayed in that area. Refer to Figure 2 below.


Data Center Software can be used to view the delta time of data transfer in a CAN bus. Data Center Software View of CAN Data - Delta Time


For additional information, please refer to the following documents:

Komodo Interface User Manual

Data Center Software User Manual

Analyze and Capture CAN Traffic Using the Komodo interface and the Data Center Software

Total Phase Products

Product Selector Guide

We hope this answers your question. If you have other questions about our CAN interfaces, protocol analyzers or other Total Phase products, feel free to email us at sales@totalphase.com or submit a request for technical support.