We are using the CheetahTM SPI Host Adapter with an SPI slave device. This slave device sends FF bytes on MISO as long as it is busy, and if it is ready, a first byte != FF byte is sent at mark 4. From then on, the data is the valid payload of interest that we want at read-data. The problem we have is that the number of FF bytes varies, and that count is unknown at start of the whole read.
I will be using the BeagleTM I2C/SPI Protocol Analyzer to monitor MDIO (Management Data Input/Output).  Can you advise which Total Phase software tool to use to monitor MDIO? That feature does not seem to be available in the most current version of Data CenterTM Software. What are my options?
We have a BeagleTM I2C/SPI Protocol Analyzer and are using it with the Level Shifter Board. The target is a 1.8V I2C device and we're trying to set it up with an external power supply - not provide power from the Beagle analyzer. We believe we have it set up correctly, but the Data CenterTM Software shows no activity. Our setup is as follows:
I have been using the AardvarkTM I2C/SPI Host Adapter and version 1.20 of the Flash CenterTM Software.
I need to analyze and simulate a CAN-driven display system used for elevators. The display receives CAN commands and displays the floor number and other information. I don't know the bus details, such as speed and ID. My question - can the Komodo™ CAN Duo Interface automatically synchronize with the bus and log the data?
We are working on an automotive application, and we will be using the KomodoTM CAN Duo Interface. We also have the Data CenterTM Software that was provided with the Komodo.