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Support Question of the Week: What Software Should I use with the Cheetah SPI Host Adapter Software to Program Large Files to SPI Flash Memory?

Q: How can I use the Cheetah GUI Software with the CheetahTM SPI Host Adapter to program an SPI Flash memory with a large file? I have large FPGA image files to load to different addresses within the SPI Flash memory. Thanks for your question! For your programming need, we recommend using the Flash CenterTM Software, which is the most suitable for programming SPI flash memory devices. The Cheetah GUI works best as a method to utilize the Cheetah adapter as a general purpose SPI master. Following are descriptions of the free Total Phase software applications that can be used with the Cheetah host adapter.

sing the Cheetah SPI Host Adapter to program SPI Flash Memory with large files Figure 1: Cheetah SPI Host Adapter

  • Flash Center Software provides mechanisms to quickly erase, program, and verify SPI-based EEPROM and flash memory Chips. It also has an extensible XML parts library with built-in support for EEPROMs and serial flash chips from major manufacturers. When needed, these XML files can be modified to use with devices that are not supported.
  • Cheetah GUI Software provides full access to all Cheetah adapter functionality, and eliminates the need to write custom software to control the adapter.
  • Cheetah Software API is used write a custom programs to fulfill user-specified requirements. The API comes with support for multiple OSs (Windows, Linux, and Mac) and multiple languages (C, Python, Visual Basic, and C#), and includes examples. We recommend using the Python bindings as it is a simple language and is a good option for scripting.

For a detailed example of programming SPI Flash, please refer to our knowledge base article Programming a Single Sector of an SPI Flash Using the Cheetah Adapter and Flash Center. For more information about the Cheetah SPI Host Adapter and other Total Phase products, please refer to the following documents:

Getting Started - Cheetah SPI Host Adapter

Cheetah Host Adapter User Manual

Flash Center Software User Manual

Cheetah API Software reference

Cheetah GUI Software

Total Phase Products

Product Selector Guide.

If you have other questions about our Host Adapters or other Total Phase products, feel free to email us at sales@totalphase.com or request technical support.