I am trying to find a data logger solution that is capable of logging multiple I2C buses in parallel. The buses are separate; they are not eight slaves on a single I2C bus. Of course, we will need to store the data from all eight I2C buses to a single drive. Which product(s) do you recommend?
Q: I am troubleshooting a microcontroller USB host device, which is supposed to check two endpoints one at a time, one after the other. I am analyzing the data with the BeagleTM USB 12 Protocol Analyzer.
I am starting a new project that will use SPI flash memory. Which is the better choice for in-circuit programming, the AardvarkTM I2C/SPI Host Adapter or the CheetahTM SPI Host Adapter? I used the Aardvark adapter previously for the I2C bus, but not for in-circuit programming.
Q: How can I use the Cheetah GUI Software with the CheetahTM SPI Host Adapter to program a SPI Flash memory with a large file? I have large FPGA image files to load to different addresses within the SPI Flash memory.
Q: We are developing a system to log SPI data transfers with an embedded system. We are using the CheetahTM SPI Host Adapter to generate SPI traffic. So far, it works with single data transfers. The system requirements:
Q: How can I use the Cheetah GUI Software with the CheetahTM SPI Host Adapter to program an SPI Flash memory with a large file? I have large FPGA image files to load to different addresses within the SPI Flash memory. Thanks for your question! For your programming need, we recommend using the Flash CenterTM Software, which is the most suitable for programming SPI flash memory devices. The Cheetah GUI works best as a method to utilize the Cheetah adapter as a general purpose SPI master. Following are descriptions of the free Total Phase software applications that can be used with the Cheetah host adapter.