Q: The Beagle USB 5000 v2 SuperSpeed Protocol Analyzer is new to me and I could use some details about how it works. The transaction log below shows recent trace captures, with and without NAK.
The listing looks as though it's been collapsed, that only high-level data is shown. How can I capture and view all the data?
A: Thanks for your question! For viewing captured data, all versions of the Beagle USB 5000 v2 Protocol Analyzer (as well as the Beagle USB 480 Protocol Analyzer) support Packet View, as well as Class View, and Transaction View. Based upon your descriptions, it appears the USB 2.0 capture setting you are using is Class View. When using the Class View or the Transaction View, protocol level records may not appear in "time-order" (chronologically listed). Packet View, however presents the records in time-order, which we recommend for your requirements.
Details about capture views are provided in the Data Center Software User's Manual, section 7.7 . Following are key points about USB 2.0 capture settings.
Capture View: What Capture View provides is related to the protocol analyzer that you use:
Following is a summary about configuring the Beagle Protocol Analyzer:
Configuring the Capture Settings: To view complete, uncompressed data as described for Packet View, you will need to set up Capture Settings which is described in the Data Center Software User's Manual, section 7.2. Following is a summary of what to do: Capture Settings: This is the first step to configure capture views. There are two configurations: sequential or aggregate capture mode; keeping or not keeping all information (which affects memory usage). For Packet View, the following setups are needed.
For more information about the Beagle Protocol Analyzers and using the Data Center Software, please see the following documents:
Data Center Software User's Manual
Total Phase Protocol Analyzers
Beagle USB 5000 v2 SuperSpeed Protocol Analyzer
Beagle USB 480 Protocol Analyzer
We hope this answers your question. If you have other questions about our Protocol Analyzers or other Total Phase products, feel free to email us at sales@totalphase.com or support@totalphase.com.