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National Instruments Week 2009

Two weeks ago, Total Phase showed off its LabVIEW drivers and embedded development tools at National Instruments Week in Austin, Texas. Interest was strong and our exhibit received a lot of visitors! With attendees developing applications ranging from machine vision to robotics, NI Week was a great conference. Attendance even proved to be recession-proof, with attendance growing 5% from last year.

We saw some highly interactive robot demonstrations at the show. For example, NI created a self-propelled robot about 4.5 foot tall that used sonar navigation and solicited videos from show attendees for the NI community site. One of the largest attractions at the conference was the Robot Petting Zoo. It featuring many different robots with unique abilities, ranging from collecting recyclables, to controlling a wheelchair using only eye movements. NI staff provided demonstrations to children of all ages and helped introduce them to the world of robotics.

We would like to thank everyone who came by the Total Phase booth and NI for putting on a great show. To our customers in Austin -- we'll be back again for the Texas Instruments Tech Day in November and would love to meet you! Please feel free to contact us at sales@totalphase.com to schedule a meeting or learn more about the TI Tech Day in Austin.