![]() | Promira Platform System User Manual v1.35.001 |
1 Revision History
1.1 Changes in version 1.35
Added auto start feature.
Updated text for upgrades(001)
1.2 Changes in version 1.34
Improved the connection to Windows.
1.3 Changes in version 1.33
Added features for Promira platform with eSPI Analysis Application.
Updated Applications section.
1.4 Changes in version 1.32
Fixed the connectivity issue of the first attempt to connect the Promira platform to the Promira API pm_load function after the device reset.
1.5 Changes in version 1.31
Added features for Promira platform I2C Active Level 2 Application and SPI Active Level 3 Application.
1.6 Changes in version 1.30
Added features for Promira platform SPI Active Level 2 Application.
2 General Overview
The Promira Serial Platform with the I2C/SPI Active applications and eSPI Analysis application supports I2C master/slave active modes; Single, Dual, and Quad SPI master/slave active modes; and Single, Dual and Quad eSPI analysis modes. The Promira platform supports up to 8 SPI SS/CS signals, up to 16 GPIO signals, and up to 11 eSPI Digital IO signals depending on purchased application. The Promira platform connects to an analysis computer via Ethernet or Ethernet over USB. The applications installed on the Promira Serial Platform are field-upgradeable and future-proof.
3 Applications
Application | Max Bitrate (Master/Slave MHz) | Max GPIO Signals | Digital IO Signals | Max SS/CS Signals | Slave Response Level (1) | Slave Response Capability (1) | Slave Response Size (1) |
I2C Active Level 1 | 1/1 | 6 | NA | NA | Advanced Slave | 1 slave address, 1 response | 255 Bytes |
I2C Active Level 2 | 3.4/3.4 | 12 | NA | NA | Advanced Slave | 1 slave address, 1 response | 255 Bytes |
SPI Active Level 1 | 12.5/8 | 6 | NA | 1 | Advanced Slave | 1 response | 256 Bytes |
SPI Active Level 2 | 40/20 | 12 | NA | 3 | Advanced Slave, Ultra Slave | Advanced Slave: 1 response. Ultra Slave: Multiple responses | 256 Bytes |
SPI Active Level 3 | 80/20 | 16 | NA | 8 | Advanced Slave, Ultra Slave | Advanced Slave: 1 response. Ultra Slave: multiple responses | Advanced Slave: 256 Bytes. Ultra Slave: Up to 64 MBytes |
eSPI Analysis | 66 | NA | 11 | 2 | NA | NA | NA |
(1) Ultra Slave will be released at a future date.
4 Hardware Specifications
4.1 Pinouts
4.1.1 Pin Description
Pin | Symbol | Description |
4 | VTGT | Software configurable Vcc target power supply. NC/3.3V/5V. |
6 | VTGT | Software configurable Vcc target power supply. NC/3.3V/5V. |
22 | VIO | Software configurable Vcc IO level power supply. NC/0.9V to 3.45V. |
24 | VIO | Software configurable Vcc IO level power supply. NC/0.9V to 3.45V. |
2, 10, 12, 16, 18, 28, 30, 34 | GND | Ground Connection. |
(1) The pin description in this table is for Promira FW v1.30/v1.30 and above.
4.2 USB 2.0 Compliance
The Promira Serial Platform is USB 2.0 compliant and will operate as a high speed (480 Mbps) device on a USB 2.0 hub or host controller. For additional information see table 15.
4.3 Physical Specifications
- Dimensions: W x D x L: 77.5 mm x 29.2 mm x 115.6 mm (3.05" x 1.15" x 4.55")
- Weight: 153 g (0.34 lbs)
4.4 Promira Boot Process
4.4.1 Promira General Boot Process
- Promira platform is off, and 3 leds are off
- Power on Promira platform by connecting it to computer USB connector.
- In about 1 s right led turns red.
- In about 5 s right led turns blue.
- Issue Promira API function pm_load, or connect Promira platform to Control Center Serial or Flash Center.
- In about 1 us right led turns green, and Promira platform is ready to transfer data.
4.4.2 Promira FW Update Boot Process
- Right led is green, and Promira platform is ready to transfer data.
- Issue FW update in Control Center Serial or Promira Update Utility.
- 3 leds turn off.
- In about 1 s right led turns red.
- In about 5 s all 3 leds turn blue.
- Promira platforms appears as a hard drive on the computer.
- Copy pmu file to Promira hard drive on the computer
- Eject safely the Promira hard drive from the computer.
- Reboot Promira platform by disconnecting and connecting the USB cable.
- In about 1 s right led turns red.
- In about 5 s all 3 leds turn blue.
- In about 5 s all 3 leds flash blue (one at a time).
- Promira platform automatically reboots: Bullets 1-6 in General Boot Process section are occurred.
4.4.3 Promira License Update Boot Process
The steps are similar to the Promira FW Update Boot Process steps. However, it is faster, and without step 12.
5 Software
5.1 Compatibility
5.1.1 Overview
The Promira Serial Platform software is offered as a 32-bit or 64-bit Dynamic Linked Library (or shared object). The specific compatibility for each operating system is discussed below.
5.1.2 Windows Compatibility
The Promira Serial Platform software is compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, and Windows 10. The software is provided as a 32-bit or 64-bit application.
5.1.3 Linux Compatibility
The Promira Serial Platform software is compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit standard distributions of Linux with kernel 2.6 and integrated USB support including: Red Hat, Ubuntu, Fedora, and SuSE. The software is provided as a 32-bit or 64-bit application. When using the 32-bit library on a 64-bit distribution, the appropriate 32-bit system libraries are also required. When using either the 64-bit library or 32 bit library, the appropriate system libraries are also required.
5.1.4 Mac OS X Compatibility
The Promira Serial Platform software is compatible 32-bit and 64-bit Intel versions of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, 10.8 Mountain Lion, 10.9 Mavericks, 10.10 Yosemite, and 10.11 El Capitan. The software is provided as a 32-bit or 64-bit application. Installation of the latest available update is recommended.
5.2 Connectivity
There are two ways to connect to the Promira Serial Platform: via USB or via Ethernet. No additional device drivers are required for using either method.
5.2.1 USB
The Promira Serial Platform uses Ethernet over USB, which allows the host software to connect to the adapter via an IP address. To use this interface, connect the device to your PC with a USB cable and follow the instructions below to set up the connection on the PC.
For Ethernet over USB, the Promira Serial Platform is a DHCP server that dynamically distributes network configuration parameters, such as IP addresses for interfaces and services.
- Connect Promira to PC with USB cable.
- Promira Serial Platform in Device Manager (Please note some Windows versions may display "Total Phase Promira Serial Platform" in this window.): Figure 1: Windows Device Manager window.
- Promira Serial Platform in Network Settings: Figure 2: Windows Network Settings window.
- Verify connectivity with Control Center Serial Software.
If this process does not work, please visit our Knowledge Base article.
- Download the Promira Serial Platform Linux support files from the website and follow the instructions in the README.txt file.
- Connect Promira to PC with USB cable.
- Use ifconfig -a to determine the network interface of Promira. If you do not recognize which one is the new interface, compare the lists from ifconfig -a before and after plugging in the device.
- The Promira Serial Platform will be shown as tppx.
Mac OS X
- Connect Promira to PC with USB cable.
- Select Network under System Preferences.
- Select Total Phase Promira Platform.Figure 3 : Mac OS X Network Preferences window.
- Select Using DHCP from the Configure IPv4: dropdown list box.
- Select Apply to apply the changes.
5.2.2 Ethernet
The Promira platform can be connected to the computer through the Ethernet port. The Promira network preference for Ethernet is configurable by the Control Center Serial. The Promira platform can be configured to static IP addressing or dynamic IP addressing (DHCP). The default network preferences of the Promira platform for Ethernet is a static and its IP address is This IP address can be changed using the promira command-line application provided in the util folder in the Promira API package. For more details see the Control Center Serial manual section 2.8 Configuring Network Preference and the README.txt file in the API package.
5.3 Detecting IP addresses
To detect the IP addresses to which the Promira Serial Platforms are attached, use the pm_find_devices routine as described in following API documentation. Alternatively, the Control Center software can be used to list the available devices.
5.4 Dynamically Linked Library
The Promira requires the Promira DLL to operate and is only compatible with the Promira Serial Platform.
In addition to the Promira DLL, the Aardvark Compatibility DLL is provided to make the Aardvark API available for legacy and compatibility purposes.
5.4.2 DLL Location
Total Phase provides language bindings that can be integrated into any custom application. The default behavior of locating the Promira DLL and the Aardvark Compatibility DLL is dependent on the operating system platform and specific programming language environment. For example, for a C or C++ application, the following rules apply:
On a Windows system, this is as follows:
- The directory from which the application binary was loaded.
- The applications current directory.
- 32-bit system directory (for a 32-bit application). Examples:
- c:\Windows\System32 [Windows 7/8 32-bit]
- c:\Windows\SysWow64 [Windows 7/8 64-bit]
- 64-bit system directory (for a 64-bit application). Examples:
- C:\Windows\System32 [Windows 7/8 64-bit]
- The Windows directory. (Ex: c:\Windows )
- The directories listed in the PATH environment variable.
On a Linux system, this is as follows:
- First, search for the shared object in the application binary path. If the /proc filesystem is not present, this step is skipped.
- Next, search in the applications current working directory.
- Search the paths explicitly specified in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
- Finally, check any system library paths as specified in /etc/ld.so.conf and cached in /etc/ld.so.cache.
On a Mac OS X system, this is as follows:
- First, search for the shared object in the application binary path.
- Next, search in the applications current working directory.
- Search the paths explicitly specified in DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.
- Finally, check the /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib system library paths.
If the DLL is still not found, an error will be returned by the binding function. The error code is PM_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_LIBRARY for the management API and PS_APP_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_LIBRARY for the application API.
5.4.3 DLL Versioning
The Promira Compatibility DLL checks to ensure that the firmware of a given device is compatible. Each DLL revision is tagged as being compatible with firmware revisions greater than or equal to a certain version number. Likewise, each firmware version is tagged as being compatible with DLL revisions greater than or equal to a specific version number.
Here is an example.
DLL v1.20: compatible with Firmware >= v1.15 Firmware v1.30: compatible with DLL >= v1.20
Hence, the DLL is not compatible with any firmware less than version 1.15 and the firmware is not compatible with any DLL less than version 1.20. In this example, the version number constraints are satisfied and the DLL can safely connect to the target firmware without error. If there is a version mismatch, the API calls to open the device will fail. See the API documentation for further details.
6 Firmware
6.1 Field Upgrades
6.1.1 Upgrade Philosophy
The Promira Serial Platform is designed so that its internal firmware (FW) and License can be upgraded by the user, thereby allowing the inclusion of any additional applications purchased, software support renewals, performance enhancements, or critical fixes available after the receipt of the device.
The Promira Serial Platform shows multiple FW version numbers in the Control Center Serial GUI Configure Adapter window, Flash Center GUI - Add Adapters window, Data Center GUI connect window, and the Promira Utility window. The first one is the version number of the system FW and the others are the version numbers of the various Promira applications. For example, the FW numbers 1.10/1.00/x.xx represent FW system v1.10 and FW application v1.00 and so on.
Promira API has four main FW functions: pm_version, pm_app_version, ps_app_version, and pa_app_version. Promira API function pm_version returns FW system version and Promira API functions pm_app_version, ps_app_version, and pa_app_version return FW application versions.
6.1.2 Upgrade Procedure
Please refer to Section 7.1 of the Control Center Serial Software User Manual for instructions on installing a new license or firmware update.
7 API Documentation
7.1 Introduction
The Promira API documentation that follows is oriented toward the Promira Rosetta C bindings. The set of Promira API functions and their functionality is identical regardless of which Rosetta language binding is utilized. The only differences will be found in the calling convention of the functions. For further information on such differences please refer to the documentation that accompanies each language bindings in the Promira API Software distribution.
7.2 General Data Types
The following definitions are provided for convenience. All Promira data types are unsigned.
typedef unsigned char u08; typedef unsigned short u16; typedef unsigned int u32; typedef unsigned long long u64; typedef signed char s08; typedef signed short s16; typedef signed int s32; typedef signed long long s64; typedef float f32;
7.3 Notes on Status Codes
Most of the Promira API functions can return a status or error code back to the caller. The complete list of status codes is provided at the end of this chapter and in the Promira applications' user manuals. All of the error codes are assigned values less than 0, separating these responses from any numerical values returned by certain API functions.
7.4 Application Management Interface
7.4.1 Application Management
Find Devices (pm_find_devices)
int pm_find_devices (int num_devices, u32 * devices);
Get a list of IP addresses to which Promira adapters are attached.
num_devices | maximum size of the array |
devices | array into which the IP addresses are returned |
This function returns the number of devices found, regardless of the array size.
None. |
Each element of the array is 4 byte integer value represented IP address. For instance, "" is 0x0201A8C0.
Two IP addresses to same device might be returned when both Ethernet and Ethernet over USB are enabled.
If the input array is NULL, it is not filled with any values.
If there are more devices than the array size (as specified by num_devices), only the first num_devices IP addresses will be written into the array.
Find Devices (pm_find_devices_ext)
int pm_find_devices_ext (int num_devices, u32 * devices, int num_ids, u32 * unique_ids int num_statuses u32 * statuses);
Get a list of IP addresses and unique IDs to which Promira Serial Platforms are attached.
num_devices | maximum number of IP addresses to return |
devices | array into which the IP addresses are returned |
num_ids | maximum number of unique IDs to return |
unique_ids | array into which the unique IDs are returned |
num_statuses | maximum number of statuses to return |
statuses | array into which the statuses are returned |
This function returns the number of devices found, regardless of the array sizes.
None. |
This function is the same as pm_find_devices() except that is also returns the unique IDs of each Promira adapter. The IDs are guaranteed to be non-zero if valid.
The IDs are the unsigned integer representation of the 10-digit serial numbers.
The number of devices and IDs returned in each of their respective arrays is determined by the minimum of num_devices, num_ids, and statuses.
If status is PM_DEVICE_NOT_FREE, the device is in-use by another host and is not ready for connection.
Open a Promira Serial Platform (pm_open)
Promira pm_open (const char * net_addr);
Open a connection to a Promira Serial Platform.
net_addr | net address of the Promira Serial Platform. It could be an IPv4 address or a host name. |
This function returns a Promira handle, which is guaranteed to be greater than zero if valid.
PM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN | The specified net address is not connected to a Promira Serial Platform. |
PM_INCOMPATIBLE_DEVICE | There is a version mismatch between the DLL and the firmware. The DLL is not of a sufficient version for interoperability with the firmware version or vice versa. |
Close the Promira Device (pm_close)
int pm_close (Promira promira);
Close the connection to the Promira adapter.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform to be closed |
The number of devices closed is returned on success. This will usually be 1.
None. |
If the promira argument is zero, the function will attempt to close all possible handles, thereby closing all connections to Promira Serial Platforms.
Version (pm_version)
int pm_version (Promira promira PromiraVersion * version);
Return the version matrix for the system connected to the given handle.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
version | pointer to pre-allocated structure |
A status code is returned with PM_OK on success.
None. |
The PromiraVersion structure describes the various version dependencies of application components. It can be used to determine which component caused an incompatibility error.
struct PromiraVersion { /* Software, firmware, and hardware versions. */ u16 software; u16 firmware; u16 hardware; /* FW requires that SW must be >= this version. */ u16 sw_req_by_fw; /* SW requires that FW must be >= this version. */ u16 fw_req_by_sw; /* API requires that SW must be >= this version. */ u16 api_req_by_sw; /* (year << 24) | (month << 16) | (day << 8) | build. */ u32 build; };
If the handle is 0 or invalid, only software, fw_req_by_sw, and api_req_by_sw version are set.
Sleep (pm_sleep_ms)
int pm_sleep_ms (u32 milliseconds);
Sleep for given amount of time.
milliseconds | number of milliseconds to sleep |
This function returns the number of milliseconds slept.
None. |
This function provides a convenient cross-platform function to sleep the current thread using standard operating system functions.
The accuracy of this function depends on the operating system scheduler. This function will return the number of milliseconds that were actually slept.
Status String (pm_status_string)
const char *pm_status_string (int status);
Return the status string for the given status code.
status | status code returned by a Promira application function. |
This function returns a human readable string that corresponds to status. If the code is not valid, it returns a NULL string.
None. |
Applications (pm_apps)
int pm_apps (Promira promira, u16 apps_size, u08 * apps);
Return the installed applications.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
apps_size | number of bytes in apps |
apps | buffer to place the applications string |
The length of the apps string in bytes.
PM_INVALID_LICENSE | The installed license is corrupt or invalid. |
The apps argument will be filled with a colon separated string containing the names of applications that are installed for this device.
Pass a value of 0 for apps and apps_size to request the total length of the applications string. Note this length does not include the null terminating character.
Licensed Applications (pm_licensed_apps)
int pm_licensed_apps (Promira promira, u16 apps_size, u08 * apps);
Return the licensed applications.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
apps_size | number of bytes in apps |
apps | buffer to place the licensed applications string |
The length of the apps string in bytes.
None. |
The apps argument will be filled with a colon separated string containing the names of applications that are licensed for this device.
Pass a value of 0 for apps and apps_size to request the total length of the applications string. Note this length does not include the null terminating character.
Application Version (pm_app_version)
int pm_app_version (Promira promira, const char * app_name, PromiraVersion * version);
Return the version matrix for the given application in the system connected to the given handle.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
app_name | application name |
version | pointer to pre-allocated structure |
A status code is returned with PM_OK on success.
None. |
This function is to check the version number of the application without loading it.
Only firmware, hardware, and sw_req_by_fw version are set.
Launch an Application (pm_load)
int pm_load (Promira promira, const char * app_name);
Launch an application.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
app_name | application name to be launched |
A Promira status code is returned with PM_OK on success.
PM_APP_NOT_FOUND | There is no application with the specified name. |
PM_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_APP | Unable to load the application. |
PM_APP_ALREADY_LOADED | There is the auto started application. Use pm_load_ext to forcibly load a new application. |
This function works same as pm_load_ext with PM_LOAD_NO_FLAGS.
Launch an Application (pm_load_ext)
int pm_load_ext (Promira promira, const char * app_name, PromiraLoadFlags flags);
Launch an application.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
app_name | application name to be launched |
flags | enumerated values specifying the load flag See Table 3 |
PM_LOAD_NO_FLAGS | No flags. |
PM_LOAD_UNLOAD | Unload any auto started application first. |
A Promira status code is returned with PM_OK on success.
PM_APP_NOT_FOUND | There is no application with the specified name. |
PM_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_APP | Unable to load the application. |
PM_APP_ALREADY_LOADED | There is the auto started application. Use PM_LOAD_UNLOAD to forcibly load a new application. |
The Promira Serial Platform can have more than one application. Prior to the use of any subsystems in the application, it needs to be launched.
The Promira Serial Platform with firmware version 1.35 has three applications. "com.totalphase.promact_is", "com.totalphase.promana_espi", and "com.totalphase.promact_cab".
Query Network Configurations (pm_query_net)
int pm_query_net (Promira promira, PromiraNetCommand cmd, int buf_size u08 * buf);
Get the Ethernet network interface properties for this Promira handle.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
cmd | enumerated values specifying the network configuration to get. See Table 4. |
buf_size | size of the array for network configuration |
buf | array into which the network configuration is returned |
PM_NET_ETH_ENABLE | Query whether Ethernet is enabled or not. |
PM_NET_ETH_IP | Query the IP address of Ethernet. |
PM_NET_ETH_NETMASK | Query the netmask of Ethernet. |
PM_NET_ETH_MAC | Query the MAC address of Ethernet. |
PM_NET_ETH_DHCP_ENABLE | Query whether DHCP for Ethernet is enabled or not. |
PM_NET_USB_IP | Query the IP address of Ethernet over USB. |
PM_NET_USB_NETMASK | Query the netmask of Ethernet over USB. |
PM_NET_USB_MAC | Query the MAC address of Ethernet over USB. |
Length of the network configuration string is returned on success.
None. |
For PM_NET_ETH_ENABLE and PM_NET_ETH_DHCP_ENABLE, '1' will be returned when enabled, otherwise '0' will be returned.
Configure Network Configuration (pm_config_net)
int pm_config_net (Promira promira, PromiraNetCommand cmd, const char * data);
Configure the Ethernet network interface.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
cmd | enumerated values specifying the network configuration to get. See Table 5 |
data | network configuration data |
PM_NET_ETH_ENABLE | Enable/Disable Ethernet. |
PM_NET_ETH_IP | Configure the IP address of Ethernet |
PM_NET_ETH_NETMASK | Configure the netmask of Ethernet |
PM_NET_ETH_DHCP_ENABLE | Enable/Disable DHCP for Ethernet. |
PM_NET_ETH_DHCP_RENEW | Renew the DHCP for Ethernet. |
A Promira status code is returned with PM_OK on success.
PM_NETCONFIG_ERROR | Unable to configure network interface. |
PM_INVALID_IPADDR | Invalid IP address. |
PM_INVALID_NETMASK | Invalid network mask. |
PM_INVALID_SUBNET | The 192.168.12.x subnet is reserved. It is an error to configure the Ethernet interface to any address in this subnet. |
PM_NETCONFIG_LOST_CONNECTION | Applying the last settings has changed the IP address of the connection. Any further access doesn't work since the connection to the device has lost and pm_close needs to be called to clean up the resources. |
In order to enable Ethernet or DHCP for Ethernet, call this function with '1' as data. In order to disable, call this with '0' as data.
Network interface can be configured by the promira utility (promira.exe or promira). See the section Ethernet for more detail.
Query Preferences (pm_query_pref)
int pm_query_pref (Promira promira, const char * key, int buf_size u08 * buf);
Get preferences.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
key | key of preference |
buf_size | size of the array for the value of preference |
buf | array into which the value of preference is returned |
Length of the value of preference is returned on success.
None. |
System firmware uses the value of "app.autostart" to determine which application will be loaded on boot up.
Configure Preferences (pm_config_pref)
int pm_config_pref (Promira promira, const char * key, const char * data);
Configure the preferences.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
key | key of preference |
data | preference data |
A Promira status code is returned with PM_OK on success.
None. |
Preferences can be set by the promira utility (promira.exe or promira).
> promira (ip) key value
Read License (pm_read_license)
int pm_read_license (Promira promira, int buf_size, u08 * buf);
Read the entire license.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
buf_size | number of bytes in buf |
buf | buffer to place the license string |
The length of the license in bytes.
PM_INVALID_LICENSE | The installed license is corrupt or invalid. |
Pass a value of 0 for buf and buf_size to request the total length of the license.
Features (pm_features)
int pm_features (Promira promira, const char * app, u16 features_size, u08 * features);
Return the features licensed for the application.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
app | name of the application |
features_size | number of bytes in features |
features | buffer to place the features string |
The length of the features string in bytes.
PM_INVALID_LICENSE | The installed license is corrupt or invalid. |
PM_INVALID_APP | The application name is invalid. |
The features argument will be filled with a colon separated string containing the names of features that are licensed for app.
Pass a value of 0 for features and features_size to request the total length of the features string. Note this length does not include the null terminating character.
Feature Value (pm_feature_value)
int pm_feature_value (Promira promira, const char * app, const char * feature, u16 value_size, u08 * value);
Return the value of a feature for the application.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
app | name of the application |
feature | name of the feature |
value_size | number of bytes in value |
value | buffer to place the value string |
The length of the value string in bytes.
PM_INVALID_LICENSE | The installed license is corrupt or invalid. |
PM_INVALID_APP | The application name is invalid. |
PM_INVALID_FEATURE | The feature name is invalid. |
The value argument will be filled with a string containing the value of the feature. The feature must be one of those provided by pm_features for this app.
Pass a value of 0 for value and value_size to request the total length of the value string. Note this length does not include the null terminating character.
Feature Description (pm_feature_description)
int pm_feature_description (Promira promira, const char * app, const char * feature, u16 desc_size, u08 * desc);
Return the description of a feature for the application.
promira | handle of the connection to the Promira Serial Platform |
app | name of the application |
feature | name of the feature |
desc_size | number of bytes in desc |
desc | buffer to place the description string |
The length of the description string in bytes.
PM_INVALID_LICENSE | The installed license is corrupt or invalid. |
PM_INVALID_APP | The application name is invalid. |
PM_INVALID_FEATURE | The feature name is invalid. |
The desc argument will be filled with a string containing the description of the feature. The feature must be one of those provided by pm_features for this app.
Pass a value of 0 for desc and desc_size to request the total length of the description string. Note this length does not include the null terminating character.
7.5 Error Codes
Literal Name | Value | pm_status_string() return value |
PM_OK | 0 | ok |
PM_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_LIBRARY | -1 | unable to load library |
PM_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_DRIVER | -2 | unable to load USB driver |
PM_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_FUNCTION | -3 | unable to load binding function |
PM_INCOMPATIBLE_LIBRARY | -4 | incompatible library version |
PM_INCOMPATIBLE_DEVICE | -5 | incompatible device version |
PM_COMMUNICATION_ERROR | -6 | communication error |
PM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN | -7 | unable to open device |
PM_UNABLE_TO_CLOSE | -8 | unable to close device |
PM_INVALID_HANDLE | -9 | invalid device handle |
PM_CONFIG_ERROR | -10 | configuration error |
PM_SHORT_BUFFER | -11 | output buffer not large enough |
PM_FUNCTION_NOT_AVAILABLE | -12 | function not available |
PM_APP_NOT_FOUND | -101 | app not found |
PM_INVALID_LICENSE | -102 | invalid license |
PM_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_APP | -103 | unable to load app |
PM_INVALID_DEVICE | -104 | invalid device for license |
PM_INVALID_DATE | -105 | invalid date |
PM_NOT_LICENSED | -106 | not licensed |
PM_INVALID_APP | -107 | invalid app |
PM_INVALID_FEATURE | -108 | invalid feature |
PM_UNLICENSED_APP | -109 | unlicensed app |
PM_APP_ALREADY_LOADED | -110 | app already loaded |
PM_NETCONFIG_ERROR | -201 | network configuration error |
PM_INVALID_IPADDR | -202 | invalid IP address |
PM_INVALID_NETMASK | -203 | invalid netmask |
PM_INVALID_SUBNET | -204 | invalid subnet |
PM_NETCONFIG_UNSUPPORTED | -205 | unable to set network configuration |
PM_NETCONFIG_LOST_CONNECTION | -206 | changed, but connection has lost |
8 Legal / Contact
8.1 Disclaimer
All of the software and documentation provided in this manual, is copyright Total Phase, Inc. ("Total Phase"). License is granted to the user to freely use and distribute the software and documentation in complete and unaltered form, provided that the purpose is to use or evaluate Total Phase products. Distribution rights do not include public posting or mirroring on Internet websites. Only a link to the Total Phase download area can be provided on such public websites.
Total Phase shall in no event be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, general, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of its site, the software or documentation downloaded from its site, or any derivative works thereof, even if Total Phase or distributors have been advised of the possibility of such damage. The software, its documentation, and any derivative works is provided on an "as-is" basis, and thus comes with absolutely no warranty, either express or implied. This disclaimer includes, but is not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, and non-infringement. Total Phase and distributors have no obligation to provide maintenance, support, or updates.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Total Phase. While the information contained herein is believed to be accurate, Total Phase assumes no responsibility for any errors and/or omissions that may appear in this document.
8.2 Life Support Equipment Policy
Total Phase products are not authorized for use in life support devices or systems. Life support devices or systems include, but are not limited to, surgical implants, medical systems, and other safety-critical systems in which failure of a Total Phase product could cause personal injury or loss of life. Should a Total Phase product be used in such an unauthorized manner, Buyer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Total Phase, its officers, employees, affiliates, and distributors from any and all claims arising from such use, even if such claim alleges that Total Phase was negligent in the design or manufacture of its product.
8.3 Contact Information
Total Phase can be found on the Internet at http://www.totalphase.com/. If you have support-related questions, please go to the Total Phase support page at http://www.totalphase.com/support/. For sales inquiries, please contact [email protected].
©2003-2017 Total Phase, Inc.
All rights reserved.